EEL4712 Labs (Spring 2022)

Useful Resources

  • Quartus Installation (Includes Modelsim)
  • Modelsim Overview (Video)
  • Complete ModelSim tutorial
  • Signal Tap Tutorial (ignore line mentioning "Incremental Build")
  • Digilent Analog Discovery Getting Started

    Lab workarounds

    If you run into unexplainable errors, make sure your Quartus and/or Modelsim projects are stored in a path without any spaces. It seems to have fixed the problems for some people.

    If you are doing a timing simulation, make sure to remove the original vhd file from the Modelsim project. If you don't, two files will define the same entity, which will likely cause problems.

    If you can't find the USB-Blaster device in Windows, try the following suggestions:

    If Quartus isn't generating an SDO file after synthesis, try the following:

    Lab 0: (Week 2: Jan 10-14)

    1. Obtain and test board in lab. If you have questions about the board, you can read the manual here.
    2. Install Quartus Prime 17.1 Lite Edition (free) . Before downloading, make sure the ModelSim option is selected. You can unselect device support for everything except the MAX 10, MAX II, and MAX V FPGAs if you need to save disk space.
    3. Read over the following tutorials (ignore references to lab assignment tasks. You will be using these tools as part of the next lab)
    4. Review Quartus Tutorials 1 and 3 (Appendices in textbook)
    5. Start reading the ModelSim tutorial. You do not need to finish the entire tutorial, but you will be using this tool all semester, so make sure you understand the basics. You can install a free version of Modelsim from the earlier Quartus link.

    Lab 1: Introduction to EEL 4712 Digital Design Lab (Week 3: Jan 18-Jan 24)

    Lab 2: Generic-Width Behavioral ALU (Week 4: Jan 25-Jan 31)

    You will find these incredibly useful:

    Lab 3: Ripple-Carry and Carry-Lookahead Adders (Week 5: Feb1-Feb7)

    Lab 4: Finite State Machines (Week 7: Feb15-Feb21)

    Lab 5: GCD Calculator (Week 8: Feb 22-Feb 28)

    Lab 6: VGA Interfacing (Week 9-10: March1-March21)

    The second week (after spring break) is optional for those that finish early. Everyone must attend the first week.


    Final Project: MIPS-like Microprocessor (3 weeks, starts on Tuesday, March 29)